The Simple Relationships Blog

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Weaknesses Are Just Overused Strengths.

People come in all shapes and sizes. Introvert, extrovert, agreeable, disagreeable, present and aloof, focused and reserved, optimistic, skeptical, the list goes on forever! If you’ve taken a personality test, DISC, Enneagram, Strengthsfinder, whatever, they all demonstrate that while personalities come in all shapes and sizes, there is never one that is objectively good or objectively bad (at least outside of a specific context.).


Let’s think about this. If someone is “Hard-Headed” or “Stubborn,” where does that weakness come from? It’s probably rooted in confidence or loyalty, which are good things to have! Maybe someone is being stubborn because they want to protect and preserve the culture of their family. Then again maybe they just can’t take critical feedback, who knows. The point is, the qualities that can bother the people around us are usually good things that get taken a little too far.


For example, If someone...

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Unforgiveness Keeps Them in Control.

While most of us don’t think of Justin Bieber as one of the great emotional philosophers of our time, he is absolutely correct about this. To have a “chip on your shoulder” usually refers to holding some kind of grudge.
Oddly enough, it’s our sense of justice or fairness that leads to us holding grudges. We feel a need to punish or judge or distance ourselves from our offenders until they pay for their crime. The problem is that, most of the time, the offender goes on living their life without a second thought while you are stuck there, fuming about this perceived injustice. You remain bitter, angry, and disconnected and your peace will only come at someone else’s expense.
This is what Bieber means when his sexy voice sings “unforgiveness keeps them in control.” The offender did the crime, they should do the time, but who in this scenario is suffering? Not the offender, because it turns out you have no power over...
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The Source of Emotional Pain: Part 3 | PAST RELATIONSHIPS

Whether it is loss of loved ones, divorce, abuse, heartbreak, or someone leaving your life, this pain is deep and persistent. The hardest part is often feeling like you never got answers or the closure that you needed, or if closure was even possible.


Many times, the pain can be scary to confront because to truly be free of the pain from past relationships, you are going to have to let the relationship go. No matter how good or bad the relationship was, we will hold on because we can't stand the thought of them actually being gone, even if it's just their memory.


Holding onto past relationships creates two major problems.

1) We may not be able to fully heal from any trauma that was experienced in that relationship.

2) Holding onto that person may be taking up the place of a new relationship that will help to fill the emotional hole that the person before left.


Another word for "letting go" is "grieving." This word is often understood but what it means is...

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"Top 9 Wedding Day Tips"

engagement Feb 03, 2021

Having attended, volunteered, or served at over 100 weddings, it's safe to say that we have seen a thing or two about what works and what doesn't. We have seen triumph and tragedy, genius and silly mistakes, over-preparing and under-preparing, we've seen it all.

So here are some tips that may seem obvious and some that might not have even crossed your mind. Either way, ALL of these tips will help ensure that your wedding day will be as wonderful as you have always dreamed, emotionally, logistically, and otherwise.

  1. Your desires are the most important! This wedding is about YOU! This is the day you and your partner get to express who you are as a couple through the location, decor, dress, vibe, etc. A lot of people, especially moms, get VERY passionate about what you should or shouldn’t do at your wedding but remember, it’s YOUR wedding! Consider the advice of people you trust but at the end of the day, choose what YOU want, and if people get mad about it,...
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The Danger of Being Certain.

How is that we find ourselves being “certain” of something? We were “certain” that the earth was flat until we learned that it wasn’t. We were “certain” that X-Rays were perfectly healthy for pregnant women until Alice M. Stuart learned that it was consistently causing birth defects. I personally recall being passionately “certain” that Santa Claus was real until I learned that (spoiler alert!) he wasn’t. I heard a quote of a science professor who would lie awake at night, haunted by all of the students that failed his courses because they disagreed with a theory that was later proven false.
 There are several relationship and emotional myths that are still practiced today. For instance:

"You should just know what's bothering me."

  • While it would be great if they did, mind-reading is a myth and good communication is a skill of maturity. If you're only willing to do relationship with mind-readers, I...
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How to Grow Together

One hard truth of relationships is that you can not fix your spouse. Once you now that, this makes a lot of sense. You can’t change your spouse, you can only change yourself. So if you two as a couple want to change or grow, the only thing to do is change or grow yourself.
This can be tough because it is SO MUCH EASIER to see the flaws in other people but it's much harder to see our own or to humbly accept critical feedback from others. But the fact remains, if you want your relationship to improve, you must grow. If you want to change someone else, all you can do is offer feedback as kindly as you can and hope that they are also willing to work on themselves. The rest is out of your control.
I mean let's think how this plays out. If I want my wife to be more affectionate toward me, I should ask her and hopefully she does her best to meet that request. But if she refuses, what do I do? Do I cold-shoulder her? Do I try and manipulate her? Do I blow up and...
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If you Haven't Said it, Don't Expect Them to Know it.

It’s as simple as that!
Clear communication is the life blood of relationships. Although it would be so easy for mind-reading to be a thing, it’s just not. No matter how long we may go, hoping others would just know what’s going on inside of our head and respond to that, it’s likely that unless you have communicated very directly, people will never know what’s going on and will likely disappoint you as a result, and vice versa...don’t assume that you know unless they’ve communicated it with you.
So how do you get this going if you’ve never operated this way before? First of all, like learning anything new, it very likely will be uncomfortable at the beginning, but as you practice, it gets easier and easier!
One of the best questions I’ve learned to ask people is: “what is your greatest need right now” or “how can I be a better friend (or spouse, or parent, etc.) to you in this...
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